Hello world!

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Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:26 pm
Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Hello world!

Post by altermaven »

Hello folks! I've been a fan of Boulder Dash ever since the days we've owned a C64, and I've played a few other clones in my spare time. I've designed levelsets for one particular clone named Supaplex, but lately I've been back in the roots of my inspiration, and my hope is to provide an experience for fellow likeminded Boulder Dash fans with some handcrafted cavesets of my own.

I've made a solid note that BD is an entirely different beast when it comes to designing levels, and some leniences I've enjoyed in some other clones don't necessarily apply.

I've been eyeing the forums for a while. Now, I figured I'd just join in and make things proper. So, greetings from Pennsylvania, I guess!
Creativity is chemistry. Alchemystics Design.
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